

As I've said before -- the hope is that we love and honor much more than we annoy. I just know that my 'annoy' factor is pretty high and Mark's tolerance level is also pretty high and that's a good thing.

For both of us.


Carrie and Nathan said...

Amen! Me too! Thanks for the chuckle this morning.

Natalie Scott said...

Love these jewels you find.

You and Mark are such a wonderful couple. Love you both!

Emily said...

All I know is that Mark is pretty lucky to have you. You have made such an amazing impact on so many lives and we all love you. Thank you for your sweet words on my blog. I wish I could give you a hug. I love you!

Jill said...

Definitely true! And I know I must Adam's tolerance level has to be high to put up with annoying me.

Ashley said...

I can't wait to love, honor, and annoy!!