
Changing Hearts

"We discover he is more than the babe in Bethlehem, more than the carpenter’s son, more than the greatest teacher ever to live. We come to know him as the Son of God. He never fashioned a statue, painted a picture, wrote a poem, or led an army. He never wore a crown or held a scepter or threw around his shoulder a purple robe. His forgiveness was unbounded, his patience inexhaustible, his courage without limit. Jesus changed men. He changed their habits, their opinions, their ambitions. He changed their tempers, their dispositions, their natures. He changed men’s hearts."~Thomas S. Monson

I'm such a slacker -- no posts in such a long time! I guess I feel like I don't live a terribly exciting life although I do love the life I am living, for the most part.

I also love the above quote and it spoke so clearly to me today. Our Savior Jesus Christ always focused on what really matters: what happens in our hearts. He is the only way a heart can change.

I continue to strive to be more like Him: more forgiving, more patient, more kind, more courageous and more loving.

And I need those changes.

picture by Greg Olsen


Jennifer said...

Thank you for sharing that quote. It was just what I needed! Hope you are having a great summer so far. We sure love you and your family!

Unknown said...

i love that too!

Ashley said...

Thank you for sharing that quote! I am constantly improving because of the Savior, too. He DOES change hearts.

Doug Funny said...

Only the people who recognize they need to change make the changes, and only those who make the changes to who they are become heirs with Christ. You are among the best souls on the planet. Yes, I know that seems like a scary thought sometimes as we realize just how far we have yet to go.

Christ is the way to happiness that really matters. Continue to be one of the Easter People!

Natalie Scott said...

Always love your inspiring posts, Jan. It has been too long. ;)

Miss you lots.