
Happy New Year!

"Count no day lost in which you waited your turn, took only your share and sought advantage over no one." ~Robert Brault

I'm not a great resolution-maker, but I think I'm going to take the above quote and use it as my mantra for the new year. No one could have put it better: to wait my turn, to take only my share and seek advantage over no one describes perfectly the kind of person I want to be.

So, we are excited for 2012! This past year wasn't our best year, I don't think: {some hard things, some expensive things, some unexplainable things etc. etc.} although there were definitely some happy things, some fun things and much love and joy as well. I am excited to see what 2012 brings. And if I turn Robert Brault's criteria for a productive day into my own goals for the year, it will be a good one for me growth-wise.

Welcome, 2012!


Unknown said...

i agree, great criteria! i'm working on my list of resolutions. got to love a new year!

Doug Funny said...

We all have unexpected circumstances. Sometimes I wonder why I make plans and project because things often come up to surprise me.

Really cool quote. I like his definition of a life well lived. May this be a good year for you and your loved ones.

Natalie Scott said...

Can't wait to see lots more of YOU, my dear in 2012...bring it on!