
Choosing People

"I may be justifying my pockets of chaos, but I will always choose people over perfection and the heart over task and tidy." ~Betsy C. Garman

Oh, how I love this statement. I definitely have pockets of chaos [more than pockets, I'm afraid!] in my life, and if you look at my house, it's clear that I do choose people over any kind of housekeeping perfection.

I think that's why I feel so strongly about children, both in my family and in Primary. They are people, individuals, and each has a place in my heart. The knowledge I have that God knows each one of us individually leads me to ponder the importance of knowing others as individuals as well. And knowing that, I can't even imagine choosing a task or tidying over a heart-felt feeling of love for someone.

Pockets of chaos? Sure. Many of them. But people and hearts always matter most.


Maren said...

I think your pockets of people far out weight the pockets of chaos! :)

Unknown said...

ooooooooooooh i LOVE it! unfortunately, there are more than just pockets of chaos around here, but i'm cool with it.

Suzanne said...

I have to admit that I struggle with always choosing people over tasks. I know that's the "right" answer, but I'm afraid the task & tidy sometimes wins. It's absolute truth when you say "people and hearts always matter most."

Kristen said...


BrookieT said...

A very Christlike attribute. I love the part about the cha cha! Very true.

jenjamin said...

love that! choose people over perfection! Love it!