"You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."
Don't you just love her outlook?
Me? I'm laughing. Crying gives me a headache too. Have a lovely Sunday.
"You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."
Posted by
11:12 PM
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I just printed our Disneyland tickets! I've been very excited as our departure approached, but this seems to have really cemented the fact that it's coming up on Monday! Can't wait! My Disneyland history is ancient -- I went as a 12 year old, as a 20 year old, and then when Math was under a year old (considering that fact that he's 28 now, that tells you it was a while ago!). I'm ready to go again. I'm excited to see the new things there (everything will be new to me, I'm sure) and I'm excited to be able to be there with the little ones, to see their reactions to it all. I know they love it and I can't wait to share that with them.
Wow -- Monday morning will be here before I know it. I need to do some laundry!
Posted by
1:55 PM
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"A tulip doesn't strive to impress anyone. It doesn't struggle to be different than a rose. It doesn't have to. It is different. And there's room in the garden for every flower." [Marianne Williamson]
I'm a big fan of the tulip. If I were a flower, I think I'd be a tulip. What struck me today is that in life, we are all very unique, yet we have everything in common. We are all different flowers. As I survey my friends and family, I see what a beautiful garden I have been planted in. I see elegant roses, tall, aristocratic sunflowers, cute little daffodils and lovely orchids. The differences are striking, but the resemblances and things we share are lovely. And we are all growing together.
I am grateful for the diverse garden my friends make up, the smaller bouquet that has become my family, and the beauty I see in all.
I'm glad you are growing in my flower garden!
[photo via flickr]
Posted by
3:05 PM
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Oh, how I love this one. I already own her "Blessed" necklace but this looks like me. Something I need to get for myself -- maybe with grandbaby initials? What do you think? Find it here.
Posted by
10:05 AM
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"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left." ~Hubert Humphrey
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9:42 AM
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I've been spending a lot of time thinking and praying about our Primary children this week. I love them so dearly and want only the best for them. I read something on Kristin Armstrong's running blog that really spoke to me and touched me as I pondered on how to make our Primary better. Her comment [she was talking about her own children, but it applies here as well] was that we need to remember that we are not only parenting their bodies, we are parenting their spirits as well.
Posted by
1:50 PM
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As Natalie has mentioned, I'm a big fan of Valentine's Day. What a great chance to let people know we love them. I love trying to find the perfect little gift, the one thing that someone never expected to receive. I just love it all.
Posted by
3:59 PM
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Today I had just one piano student -- an 8 year old boy who I have loved ever since I first met him. I love his mom and dad too -- they are a lovely family. So I'm really enjoying every bit of time I get with him, especially one-on-one in a piano lesson setting.
Today after the lesson, the mom sent the kiddoes out to the car and she pulled a sheet of paper from her purse. She had found it in her son's school bag and thought I should have it.
At school, his class had been assigned to write about their goals for 2008. This is exactly what this little boy wrote [in his words and with his spelling]:
"For the year 2008 I have some goals I want to learn. I want to learn how to play piano from my grone up best friend. My dad knows how to play piano too. That's why I want to learn how to play piano. I hope I will have a lot of fun with her at piano. I am exitid!!"
How much do I love it that I got to see this? Totally. I have a box in my closet where I put things that are meaningful to me and when I'm feeling discouraged, I take a few things out and read them and realize that there are people who love me and that I'm OK.
After all, I am a very special 8 year old boy's grone up best friend.
Posted by
7:22 PM
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4:39 PM
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Years ago when our kids were small and money was scarce, I was not happy to discover that Mark had succumbed to a door-to-door salesperson while I was out. As he described it, it was a 'hippie-ish looking person' who knocked on our front door in South Salt Lake and sold him a long-play record album entitled "Music Machine - The Fruit of the Spirit". [scroll down to find the CD] I was so mad at him for spending money we really didn't have on something we definitely didn't need that I boycotted the record for a long time.
Posted by
3:28 PM
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Did you attend the World Wide Training broadcast by the church today? I did and it was a morning well spent. I loved hearing the family's importance being discussed by our church leaders. I loved hearing their thoughts on ways to strengthen our families and I especially loved hearing Pres. Monson's first 'official' comments as our prophet.
As I watched and listened to the panel discussion, I had the Holy Ghost re-confirm to me the knowledge I already had -- that these leaders are divinely called and inspired. I felt it most strongly when Sis. Lant, the General Primary President spoke and when Pres. Monson spoke. But it was clear to me that all our leaders are the right people in the right places at the right time -- and they are the ones that our Heavenly Father has called to lead us right now.
Posted by
6:55 PM
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Happy 2nd Birthday to Mason! This little boy has been such a wonderful addition to our family. Not only is he laid-back and easy going, he's sweet and funny too. [he's a lot like his parents!]
We've come a long way together in the past 2 years. We have a friendship that I hope will never change. He owns a piece of my heart that will never belong to anyone else - -and that's the way I like it! He and his sister and his cousins are living proof of what is wonderful about grandma-hood.
Lots of love and wishes for a zillion more years together!
Posted by
3:09 PM
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Posted by
7:53 AM
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Last night Chris, Natalie and kiddoes returned from the Idaho/Utah trip and brought us a box of [our favorite!] See's Candies. We love Mary See for sure. But as I dove into the box, the first thing that surfaced was this: "See's Candies Nutritional Statements". What???
Posted by
9:50 AM
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Make your sweetie a nice, heart-shaped Valentines breakfast egg with this little gadget.
Or put a heart-shaped mouse on her heart-shaped mouse pad.
Tell her "I Love You" in one big cookie. [that one would work well for me!!]
Or an "I love you" stamped on her Valentine's Day slice of toast!
How about some lips to put on an owie? A new way to kiss it better, right?
Make yourself the pirate of love with this heart-shaped eyepatch. Arrrrrrr!
I think this is my favorite -- put the frog under water and he will turn into a handsome prince. This is something every girl needs!
Fun stuff -- find it all here.
Posted by
11:18 AM
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I'm just now starting to get back on the elliptical machine after recovering from the 2 foot surgeries I've had. I've found it harder than I thought it would be to recover -- and I guess that's because you have to walk on these feet. You can't baby them along like you could an appendectomy scar or something like that. After a very short while, they want you walking on these sore, swollen little feet.
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1:00 PM
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Today as I was driving, I turned on my new CD of the Church musical "Savior of the World." You may remember Natalie mentioning it [she's very involved with our Stake's production]. She has had the soundtrack in her car for some time and I wanted my own. The CDs arrived yesterday -- what a gift. Already there have been so many 'aha' moments for me and I'm only halfway through the first CD.
Posted by
4:22 PM
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