So in the midst of much dental work [dental implants - -and I'll tell you, it's an extended procedure, so don't believe anything you see on TV about 'get your implants in one day' because it just doesn't happen that way], there was a bright little interlude this morning. While I was at my wonderful dentist's office, Natalie was at the doc with Simon [for his 6 mo. check up! how did that happen?!] and we were able to meet up after [timing is everything, right?] at KC Donuts for a quick breakfast of breakfast tacos, maple donuts [my personal favorite], drinks and donut holes for dessert. Who knew you could have dessert with breakfast, anyhow? And that it would be so good?!
What a treat!! Great company, fabulous food, and dessert for breakfast. Nothin' better than that.
But I must admit that the only walking I did in conjunction with this was from the dentist's office to the donut place -- 30 second walk. If that. Sigh.
But it was worth it! So yummy.
Sweet Treat
Posted by
11:36 AM
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Home Again
"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old familiar pillow." ~Lyn Utang
I'm back. I had a lovely week [excluding the snow, of course!] with my mom, dad, sister and nephews [and niece-in-law too!]. It was great to be back where I grew up and to spend time with loved ones. The travel was smooth, the visits were great, the shopping was fun, the food was yummy, and the carry-on was full on the way back.
It was wonderful to have the visits and the time with family, and fun to drive back by the home I grew up in. I always hate leaving my mom, dad and sister when time runs out, but it's also wonderful to come back to where home is for me now. It's hard to have your heart divided that way, for sure.
It feels good to be back in my own home again.
And no snow!
*[actual picture of Lethbridge snow, just not taken by me. Thanks, Flickr!]
Posted by
7:14 PM
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Goin' Home
Always fun to see this as you drive into Lethbridge -- welcome home!
Ric's Grill -- when I was a kid it was a water tower. Amazing what can be done - -now it's a fun place to eat and look out over the city.
Henderson Lake - only a few blocks from where I grew up.
The Letbhridge High Level Bridge
"It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home." ~Author Unknown
Tomorrow morning, way too early, I'll be at the airport, heading home. First to Dallas, then on to Calgary and then a 2 hour drive to Lethbridge Alberta, where I grew up. It always feels strange to go back home now because my parents no longer live in the familiar, comfortable home where I spent the first 18 years of my life. But it's interesting to discover how little it matters -- because home is where they are and where my sister and family are.
I'm excited to have time with my mom and dad, as well as my sister Val who will be spending most of the week with us in Lethbridge.
And I"m taking special orders for Canadian candy. Who's in?? Submit your lists ASAP!
Back next week.
Posted by
12:01 PM
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Pinewood Derby
So this week, I attended our ward's Pinewood Derby. The first thing I have to admit is that as a Cub Scout mom [many years ago], I was not supportive, nor did I enjoy the Pack Meetings and all the [dorky] stuff that goes on there. Think 'round-of-applause' or 'watermelon cheer' and you'll probably be able to relate. I hated those things.
More, I hated the Pinewood Derby experience. It seemed to me then that way too much time and emphasis was put on sculpting this dumb block of wood, weighing it, working on the tires, etc. etc. etc. And then when the actual race happened, mostly our racers came in dead last. I can't say I enjoyed it and what I can say is that I was pretty cranky about it all. More than anything, I hated seeing the dads really take it way too seriously. This was for the boys, right?!
But as I sat at our ward's Derby this week, I was struck by how much work those boys and dads had put into those cars, how excited they all were, and then, how they cheered each other on. When one of the first cars lost a wheel on its first run, the boys were all there assuring the owner that it could be put right back on and all would be well.
Mostly, what these Cub Scout activities are supposed to do is provide specific opportunities for parents to do things with their children. Fun things.
And it was!!
Posted by
8:13 AM
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Spring is Here!
"If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment."~Georgia O'Keefe
I love arriving home and seeing my front flower bed [which only contains roses -- beautiful!] all in bloom. The colors and fragrances just make me smile. I do love spring!
Posted by
2:57 PM
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Easter Musings
"If Easter says anything to us today, it says this: You can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. You can nail it to a cross, wrap it in winding sheets, and shut it in a tomb, but it will rise!" ~Clarence W. Hall
I am doing Sharing Time this Sunday, and because it is Easter Sunday, I have been thinking hard about how to present the Easter message to the children. In many ways, it's a hard story to contemplate. I remember as a child really wondering how people could treat Jesus the way they did. It was hard for me to understand that what happened had to happen, that Jesus knew it and was willing to do what it took -- for us. Just for us.
With all those feelings running through my mind, the bottom line is that I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. For Him, for His courage, His willingness, and the incomparable, transcendent gift He gave each of us by paying the ultimate price.
Truth may have gone into the grave, but how thankful I am that it didn't stay there.
[picture by Del Parson]
Posted by
9:47 AM
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Conference Thought
"Every time in my life when I have chosen to delay following inspired counsel or decided that I was an exception, I came to know that I had put myself in harm's way. Every time that I have listened to the counsel of prophets, felt it confirmed in prayer, and then followed it, I have found that I moved toward safety. Along the path, I have found that the way had been prepared for me and the rough patches made smooth. God led me to safety along a path which was prepared with loving care, sometimes prepared long before." ~Elder Henry B. Eyring, May 1997 Ensign, p. 25
I'm so thankful for the chance to pause in my normal Sunday routine and to sit and listen to the apostles and prophets. They do know what our Father in Heaven has in store for us, and I know that He will lead us to safety. All we have to do is to listen and to follow.
Happy Conference weekend!
Posted by
8:41 AM
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The Snuggie
Just given the fact that Miss Maya has been enamored of the Snuggie ever since she saw one on TV, these caught my eye -- and provided a good laugh, two days in a row.
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4:25 PM
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