
An Attitude of Gratitude

Isn't this the truth? I am so grateful for the happy life that I lead. Of course there are problems, there are frustrations and mistakes. And we all know that nothing is perfect. But in general, I am very blessed and I know it. Which, in comparison to the things I know go on in the world and in other people's lives makes me feel guilty. I mean, why me, really? I'm not so good or so special.

I've come to understand that I will never understand the differences that I see in people's lives. I don't have that kind of eternal vision - -but I also understand that it's important for me to be kind, helpful and understanding, even when I don't really understand. And I need to be always remember to be grateful.

That's my goal.


Jill said...

Remembering to be grateful is so difficult, and it really shouldn't be.

Great post!

jenjamin said...

Me too. That is a great goal to have, perhaps the most important.

Suzanne said...

We think alike.

Mel said...

I think you're special! :) So true...we all need to be grateful for what we do have in our lives.

Britta and Julia said...

Thanks for that reminder, Jan. I need to count my blessings more than I do sometimes.

Mia said...

I know I've said it before, but I love the way you write/think. I do sometimes feel guilty for the blessings I have and I really try to give thanks for them as well.

Carrie and Nathan said...

So true! I love your posts!

Maren said...

Love this! My mom reminded me that it was one of Hinkley's 6 B's! It's THAT important! Hard to remember sometimes though! :) Thanks for the reality check!

Phogles said...

Jan, I love how you make me think about this sort of thing. I think all good women everywhere have a hard time setting guilt aside and feeling blessed. I don't think our Father in Heaven wants us to feel guilty about the blessings He has given us. I do think He wants us to share at every opportunity.

Unknown said...

i SO feel this way! thanks, mama!

Natalie Scott said...

Being grateful has made all the difference in my life. I'm still working on the understanding other people part, but life is a journey of learning, right?!