
I Can Do Hard Things

If I am to be totally honest, I will say that 2011 has not started out to be such a great year. There have been some hard things going on, including not feeling all that well, which seems to affect everything in life. Mark and I have both had colds/allergies/complications - he has been sicker than I have (he went to see the doc and came back with steroids, antibiotics and asthma meds) and I haven't (thank goodness) had the cough that he has had. I've just had the congestion, the difficulty catching my breath (yay for already having asthma meds! ha!) and the headaches.

Add to that just the everyday frustrations and tough issues that we all deal with and well, I am feeling like I'm probably not doing as well as I could. As I pondered this, (and prayed too, - doing a lot of that lately) I remembered what Julie B. Beck, the General Relief Society President said once - -"We can do hard things".

Yes, we can. And I am. Not very gracefully yet, but I am trying. And I know I can do it, with the help of dear loving family, good friends, and a loving Heavenly Father who will guide every one of us.

I'm so thankful for that knowledge, and I will keep on trying.


Mia said...

I am not graceful at hard things either. I whine too much, doubt too much, struggle too much... but i do know deep down that when push comes to shove "I can do hard things". You can too my friend. I hope that you feel the strength and love of your Father and your friends this week. Hugs for you and Mark both.

Britta and Julia said...

You are an inspiration to me. I don't like hard time either, but they make us stronger. For that I'm grateful for them. Keep it up!

hoLLy said...

2011 has been kinda suckity over here too so far. . but i figure it has to get better from here on out. . .right? ! :)

Natalie Scott said...

OK, so nowhere but UP from here on out, right?

Sometimes we simply have no choice but to do hard things, and that's what makes us grow and learn to rely on Him and to pray. I guess we never stop learning the same things over and over, huh? Any way about it, Jan, you are precious and I love you and will continue to pray for you while you get through these hard things. I think you're doing great.

Emily said...

You always amaze me with how you do difficult things-with years of teaching seminary, etc. I am so sorry to hear that you and Mark have been sick and I hope that you both get better soon. I am so thankful that I still get to have glimpses into your life though our blogs. I love ya!
P.S. Thank you for your sweet comments.

Carrie and Nathan said...

You are more graceful than you give yourself credit for...I know it! Thanks for all of our encouragement, especially when your glass isn't exactly full. xoxo

Carrie and Nathan said...

ugh...I meant "your" not "our" ;)

Unknown said...

love you, mama! keep on hanging on!

Emily said...

hang in there. you are one of the most strong and amazing people i know. trials are hard, and they are definitely NOT fun while you're going through them. but if anyone can get through them and figure out how to learn and grow from them it's you. i love you! and i'm thinking of you! hope things start looking up soon!

Phogles said...

I can do hard things, too. I just keep hoping someone else will do them for me! Just have to tell you, you are a gracious, grateful, generous lady. Your frankness and generally positive perspective are a blessing in my life. Love you!