"Sometime we regret, more than any words spoken, a silence not broken."~Robert Brault
I know I've mentioned Robert Brault before -- but he has just let me know that there is now a book available that's full of his smart, funny, touching (you add your own adjective here -- pretty much anything will fit, as he is a word genius) thoughts. I have already ordered mine, and you'd be smart if you did the same. He knows how to address any topic, in the best and most graceful yet (sometimes) piercing way. He really makes you think, and he is compassionate and wise as well.
Check it out here: Robert Brault's book -- I promise you will love it.
Don't miss this one
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4:54 PM
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It's been how long?!
I don't know what made me think about this blog today, but I was astonished to discover how long it had been since I posted anything. I suspect with the advent of Facebook, texting, and Twitter etc., the blog method of communication has taken a back seat. But as I flipped back through my pages, I realized I missed putting my thoughts on (figurative) paper.
So today -- I decided to make note of what has been on my mind. I've been running again and getting better (stronger and faster and with more endurance) all the time, and I love that. Especially since I am getting older all the time, too. I am not as fast as I used to be, I don't go as far as I used to go - but I can still go. And I want to keep on doing until I absolutely can't. Wasn't it Sister Hinckley who made a comment about not wanting to die of boredom on the shelf, but rather be used up in her old(er) age? That's how I feel.
And I have been happily proving right the quote I read about how the task itself really hasn't changed -- but my ability to achieve and master the task have changed as I just keep doing it and don't give up.
The weather here is lovely, I am happy, and I am grateful. I hope you can say the same, because that's what I wish for all.
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2:09 PM
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I can't take in this recent school tragedy. As a teacher, a parent, a grandparent and a human being, I am heartsick at the senseless loss of beautiful children and teachers.
These beautiful words come straight from the blog of one of my favorite writers, Robert Brault. He always knows what to say and how to say it and his words (while they make me cry -- again) have given me some comfort and eased the aching that I feel in my heart as I contemplate this horrific event.
A Mother's Reverie
Child lost, do you suppose
That we could ever be apart,
That though you’ve left my yearning bosom,
You could ever leave my heart?
Do you suppose that though the years
Bring what they may of joy and strife,
I’ll e'er forget that once there stirred
Within me your sweet precious life?
Do you suppose that there will come
A morning when I’ll not arise
To live again that day when last
You turned to me your trusting eyes?
Child dear, I know you dwell
Within the Lord’s protective might,
But do you know how brave you were
And how I long to hold you tight?
"If there is consolation, it must come from knowing that others have suffered the cruel loss of a child and have recovered to find purpose in their lives. We exist in a cycle of relentless restoration and renewal, a cycle in which the spring returns and that which seemed forever gone is reborn. Those who go before us lead the way, and who knows what divine purpose resides in a child taken from us prematurely."
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9:47 PM
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In His Hands
-CS Lewis
I found this on Facebook today and immediately had to steal it because it spoke so clearly to me. I have always loved C.S. Lewis - he has a way of saying things that I can easily relate to. I think for me the idea of relinquishing control {I am definitely a control freak!} is what is difficult, and to be able to admit that I can't do something on my own is tough.
But if I have learned anything at all, it's that there are surely things that I can't do on my own and to put them in His hands is the only answer.
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10:55 AM
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School's Out!! (almost!)
"The most beautiful sight in the world is a little child going confidently down the road after you have shown him the way."~Confucious
It's nearly the end of another school year and while I'm not a mom with kids in the schools anymore, I have 4 school-age kiddoes in my life that I love dearly and it's pleasure to see how well they have all done this year. Daniel and Maya are finishing 2nd grade and Ben and Mason are finishing up Kindergarten. I can't quite comprehend how this has happened. Add to that Simon and Lucy who are 3 1/2 and 2 respectively and it makes me wonder where the time has gone.
There have been piano lessons, tai-kwon-do, volleyball, swimming (both lessons and swim team), gymnastics, tumbling -- you name it, it's been done by one of the kiddoes this year. And they have all grown and stretched themselves in lots of ways. All 4 of them are fantastic readers, which is a great foundation for them to continue building their education upon.
So fun to see them moving on into their lives -- confidently and well prepared.
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6:09 PM
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Time is Flying!
It's already May 10 (seriously -- where has the time gone?) so it's time for a little updating, I guess.
The finger: I am now down to less than 2 weeks in the splint and bandaging -- it seems like it has been forever but it also seems like it has happened quickly. I will be so glad to have my finger back. Maya asked me the other day what the Dr. would do - - I'm guessing he will take the splint and tape off and blow a kiss at me as I run out the door. At least that's what I hope he will do! I'm hoping for the best.
There's been a picture of Natalie and I that has almost taken on a life of its own. (see above) My friend Macy took the picture a few months ago and it has ended up in the Deseret Book Spring Catalog and in their Time Out for Women online ads as well. We have had so many friends all across the country contact us when they have seen it and that has been fun. I just love having such a fun picture of Natalie and I.
In other news, I ran a 5K this past weekend. I was pretty nervous about it because in the past 2 weeks my running has been awful. I had no stamina, my breathing was hard and really, I had no interest in even trying to hang in there. It was lame. So I was very afraid of how this 5k would turn out.
I was happy to discover that I am still a runner, and really, not such a bad one either. I ended up finishing in 30:23 -- which was good, and made it a 9:39 pace. And I ended up 7th in my age group (which, admittedly, is old) -- but there were about 25 people in that group. And I loved it. So much fun.
And the best part was that I ran it with family. Chris, Natalie and Maya all ran the 5K too. Chris smoked us all - he was amazingly fast (23 min, approx, I think), Natalie beat me by around 30 seconds and Maya did it in 35 minutes with no training. Awesome all around. Can't say I love the way I look in the picture but with hair pulled back at 8 a.m., I guess that's the best I could do!!
So my plan is to just continue to work at getting quicker and to keep loving it. So that next year - -I can move myself up in my age group and beat a few more oldies like myself.
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8:49 PM
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Happy Easter!
"Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people, and hallelujah is our song."~Pope John Paul II
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2:54 PM
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Jogging is Dangerous?
This past Saturday I was out jogging and caught my shoe in a sidewalk crack. I thought I had managed to keep my balance but ended up going down so I tried to aim myself towards the grass rather than the sidewalk. I ended up scraping up one knee (scrape + giant bruise), scraping the palm of my left hand, and even scraped my chin a bit. None of that is very serious but my right hand was holding my phone (always have my music going when I run) and I landed hard on that hand which was curled around the phone.
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7:55 PM
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Catching Up
Really? My last past was 2 months ago? This is a graphic example of how quickly the time is going these days. There always seems to be something going on to keep me busy, for sure.
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9:42 PM
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He (or she) Who Sees
“Every common bush is afire with God ––but only he who sees takes off his shoes.”~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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9:00 PM
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