

Last night we had more of a marathon Primary presidency meeting than usual, as we tried to organize for the new year. I work with wonderful women who enjoy each other and sometimes the meetings are lengthy as we catch up on each other's lives. We laugh a lot. Last night, though, the time was mostly spent handing off second counselor duties from Jane, my counselor who is moving to LA, to Natalie, who is my new counselor. (this is Natalie Scott, a dear friend and someone who has been a great asset to Primary already).

I suppose what I want to say is how I love Jane, who has been an unbelieveable support as she has handled everything concerning Cub Scouts as well as the classes she supervises and the children with disabilities. She has been creative and fun with her Sharing Times and has a great love for the children in our ward. She is down to earth and funny, easily touched by the spirit, and completely honest and sincere in all she does. She has been not only a wonderful counselor and help, she has become a dear, dear friend. I have already told her that when she leaves, there will be a hole in my heart that will never be filled and I will miss her tremendously. I love her dearly.

And I'm thankful for Natalie, who has already stepped in and is picking up where Jane leaves off. Natalie is wonderful. She is organized and efficient, funny and honest, and she too has the quality that I value most in Primary -- she loves, loves, loves the children. Her biggest concern was her release from teaching her sweet class of 5 year olds to take on this new calling. She has a wonderful heart. She volunteered to do Sharing Time this Sunday. She is someone I already love and I know she will be a great asset to our Primary.

I don't like change so much. Change hurts. Change is difficult. But change can be good. Jane's family is making a good change, and I am thankful for that opportunity for them. For me? Not so much.

But Candice, Natalie, Mariann and I will keep on. We have to. Because we love the children.


Unknown said...

jane & nat both rock my world. you're in good hands!

Fantastic Five said...

I am going to miss Jane terribly. I hope she takes me totally serious when I say we are going to visit. I know people say that and don't do it, but I intend on it! Natalie will be a great addition for sure. Those girls are brave with the scouts. Holy Smokes!

Darleen said...

thanks for this post! It has helped me to understand what I need to do as a new counselor in our primary presidency. I hope I can be a huge asset and a huge help to the primary president. It's a very daunting task and I'm nervous. We had our first meeting yesterday--lots of things to do and understand especially since I've been in the Relief Society for the last 7 years!

Christina said...

You are such an awesome primary pres. I want to give the same dedication to my calling that it is abundantly clear you give to yours. Those kids are so blessed to have you to love them!

Holly O. said...

I am now in Primary, teaching CTR 6. I watch our president and can't help but think of you.

Emily John said...

Wow, what a tough, yet enriching calling you have. Good luck with all the changes.

Jori said...

I think that is so neat that you have such a great attitude about your calling. You love the kids and the people you work with. I would LOVE to be in Primary with you. Maybe someday.:)

tara said...

Natalie sounds like a great replacement! Hope it all comes together and that you survive another change:) You're right. Change can be tough.

hoLLy said...

i love how you love your calling. i've said it before, but hill country primary is so blessed to have you. i wish you were my girls primary president, not that ours isn't doing a good job, but you are amazing with children! we miss you!

Natalie Scott said...

Jane is going to be so missed. She has been such a rockstar in that calling, and I can only promise I will do my best and make it fun!

I always love your sincerity, Jan. Your devotion to these young ones is unmatched. Thank you for the kind words and your trust in me.

Kristi said...

This was such a sweet post--I loved your thoughts on Jane and Natalie!! What a blessing to have two such incredible women be a part of Primary!!