
Friends -- a Precious Commodity

"I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me.
I'd like to be the help that you are always glad to be.
I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day
As you have meant, dear friend of mine, to me along the way."
(Author Unknown)

A great big hug and a heartfelt thank-you goes out to all my friends out in the blogging world -- thank you so much for your loving words, your support, your kindness and your thoughts. I can't explain why I've been feeling so down lately. There is no good reason for it. I'm an excessively blessed person and I know it. I have a wonderful husband and family, I'm healthy, I have a calling that I love (I'm not in love with being the Primary president, but I"m in love with the Primary children for sure), I have a wonderful presidency to work with, a lovely home, and a great life. And I'm a Grandma! It doesn't get better than this -- so what's wrong with me??? I wish I knew!

Today I discovered that my Natalie has done something wonderful for me (again!). She is, as I have said before, so dear to my heart and never stops loving me and taking care of me. When I looked at her blog, I sat at the computer with tears as I read the things you all wrote. Thank you, thank you, thank you! What a gift!
Your words helped give me the determination to find a way to BE HAPPY -- and I'm going back to the basics. I need more sleep. I need to be more diligent with my scripture study. I need to keep exercise on my schedule. I need to be more prayerful -- to pray both more fervently and more in depth. I need to work harder on my calling. I need to love more unconditionally.

And I continue to push on. Lots of love going out to every one of you, my friends. Thank you!


Jori said...

You're so sweet. I hope you feel better soon. I think we all get in slumps and it's hard to pin point exactly why.

Mel said...

You're the best Jan! I hope you get feel back to your norm.

Nat Lud said...

I totally understand the 'blues'. I have been feeling them myself lately. Nothing is worse than being in the dumps and not knowing why! Hopefully you're week is better. Just know that we love ya and are all praying for some happy thoughts to be sent your way!

Maren said...

You'll be in my prayers for sure! I need to get back to the basics too. It always helps!

Unknown said...

glad you've found a few things to start working on to help you feel happier! i think the sleep is a big key!