
How am I Doing?

Former Miss America Sharlene Wells Hawkes tells of asking a Sunday School class of 16 and 17 year olds what they thought the Lord would say if He were to make a short statement about them. She passed out pencils and papers and had them write anonymously, hoping they would respond candidly.

"Awesome", "One of his most favorite kids -- a real good guy with a small ego", "Struggling to define her beliefs and values but walking in the right direction" were some of the responses.

Her favorite? "He is a little confused, but he will straighten out." (Hawkes, Living In but not Of the World, pg. 87-88)

That, of course, led me to wonder what He would say about me. Would He say that I was thoughtful, kind and loving? Dependable, caring and helpful? That He loves the way I love children? Or would He have to bring up my stubbornness, my tendency to be judgmental, my critical nature?

This really made me think. I want to be like Him, so much so that He has no hesitation -- all He can do is list my virtues. I'm hoping He thinks I too will straighten out!


Unknown said...

he'd say, great job, keep up the good work! :)

Nat Lud said...

Ditto to Nat's post! You are so awesome. I love reading your blog because it's always like a mini-devotional. I always feel uplifted and more spiritually in tune. Thanks!

tiburon said...

Great post Jan - gives me something to think about today! :)

Kristi said...

I love what those kids write down. It's so sweet. Great thoughts, Jan!!