
I Believe in Joy

This afternoon I ran across a quote by an unknown author who said this: "Jumping for joy is good exercise". I loved it! We are taught in the scriptures that we are supposed to be happy, to have joy in our lives. Sometimes I have to force myself to remember that (like when I am wallowing in crankiness or self-pity) and try to find ways to feel that joy. So how do we feel joy when we don't feel joyful?

Well, I believe it is to focus on things that have eternal value. There are so many things in our lives that really are of no consequence, but that cause us to be unhappy. We need to consider what we have that will last forever. For me, that's family. That's the gospel. That's the talents and gifts I have been given. And I believe that giving of ourselves is another way to be happy. So take today and love your family, love and live the gospel, and share the gifts and talents you have. " . . . men (*and women!) are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). Look hard at what you have, rather than what you don't have and remember the eternal blessings in your life. Make the most of them, share them, and be joyful.


Unknown said...

that's the cottam family motto! men are that they might have JOY! but i need to be reminded of it often, too.

Kristi said...

Good reminder, Jan! I appreciate this as today I was feeling sort of sorry for myself, but snap! if I am not blessed SO very much. Thanks for the upliftment

Mel said...

what a great thought! i know i for one get into my wallowing moods of self pity. shame on me!

Jori said...

That is just what I needed to hear! Thank you SO much!!

hoLLy said...

That is so true. I need to think that way more often.