
I Want my Canadian Candy!

So now that I've talked about my dentist, I'm going to address the issue that makes me so popular with him. Candy. I love candy. The up-side is that I was raised in Canada, where the candy (believe it or not) is quite different than here in the US. Not really sure what it is -- I think the chocolate is milkier, creamier, sweeter -- whatever. Anyhow, most of what I can get here doesn't tempt me all that much (of course, there are some things -- and honestly, sometimes I'll eat anything if it's sweet!) so unless I'm on a tear, I just can't get what I really want.

You can imagine then that when I get into Alberta, what I load up on is all candy. My favorite Canadian candy! YUM! I brought back quite a bit when I was there in May, but I"m out of all of it now and I miss my favorites: Scotch mints, Caramilk, Oh Henry (not the same as what you get here), Aero Mint, Glossette Peanuts, Smarties (again, not what we have here -- more like M & M's only much better), Big Turk, Cherry Blossom, -- the list goes on and on.

My son Chris discovered KinderEggs (aka Kinder Surprise) when he was in Germany and we were all elated to find them (where else?) in Alberta! So that's another addition to the shopping list. And now I"m really craving some of that candy. I'm going back in September for a wedding and my list is already made. That's too long to wait. Sigh.


Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

Yum! Seth says he misses that about Canada to! He loves the "Eat More" bars or something...anyway, maybe you should take order's so you can really load up when you get out there!:)

Rebecca said...

See that reminds me to give my dad a list for September!! :) Believe it or not, British Chocolate is very similar to Canadian. Nathan's parents need a list too! They're coming in September. Mmm... caramilk.....

Unknown said...

caramilk!!! that's my favorite. it's the un-waxy quality of the chocolate that sets it apart. if you put a caramello (american version) next to a caramilk, you will see the difference immedietly. the caramilk melts in your mouth instantly. you have to work thru the waxy film on american caramello. no contest. don't even bother me with a caramello. but bring me caramilk all day long, baby!

Heather said...

Now I want some candy...I'm going to go look and see what I've got. Yum I'll take a caramilk please :)

Kristi said...

Cool--All of it sounds delicious! I'll take a Caramilk, too.

Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

I've never heard of caramilk...Jan I need one of those too!! Who am I kidding....get a case!:)

hoLLy said...

I've never had Canadian candy. It sounds like I'm missing out!!

Jan said...

Oh, you're definitely missing out! I like to go to their Costco and get a case of a mix of candy bars -- maybe I will!! (only I need lots of Caramilks it looks like!)

Jori said...

can these items be ordered? of course right now it's so hot everything would melt. i would love me some non waxy chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

How are you doing? Thanks goodness I finally able to visit your blog...

Well, speaking of chocolate yes you're right Canadian chocolate is better than anywhere else so if you don't mind- can you bring me some of those goodies when you came back on Sept.? and I'll pay you back....

I'm happy to see you blogging around...take care and will talk to you later....


Christine J.

Jamie Harker said...

It's SOOO true! We just got Chocolate from the UK at work and I swear I could eat an entire brick! It's lovely (i said lovely just to sound more British and I inhale their chocolate!)

Kristen said...

I'm with you Jan - Canadian chocolate can't be beat. My favorite are AERO bars but I love me some MacKintosh Toffee as well!!

Maren said...

If anyone wants an order of Canadian chocolate, let me know!